Life is a precious gift; and we each need to accept 100% responsibility for the care of the remarkable human systems that need optimum cellular health and wellness for a good quality of life. As Bruce Lipton offers, “Inherent in our essence is the power to create an inner environment that is not susceptible to disease and illness.” The purpose of this blog is to offer a learned prescription for optimum cellular health and wellness. At the outset, it is important to offer that I am not a medical doctor and my perspective is drawn from background, interest and experience.
In 1973 it was humbling to be invited to join the Adolph Coors Company management team. A frequent reflection about my twenty-one year career with Coors is of Bill Coors, then Chairman of the Board of Directors, and his “leading edge” passion for the concept of health and wellness for the Company’s employees and corporate America. During Bill’s quarterly management team meetings he would always take a few moments and discuss the necessity for personal wellness and the wellness of our employees. My first introduction to wellness at Coors was participation in an annual, confidential health and wellness process: each employee was encouraged to take a preventive healthcare survey to establish personal benchmarks and build a foundation for annual wellness action plans. During the final five years of my career with Coors, my Human Resources responsibilities included oversight of the Wellness Center and Wellness Programs for the employees. A highlight of my career was traveling with Bill Coors, sharing the podium with him and conveying the Coors wellness message to a variety of audiences.
Commit to 100% responsibility: Life happens because of us and not to us. We each need to manage our own health and wellness; and trusting medical professionals and medical information with our health is not an option. Medical information that is without a hidden agenda and medical professionals are valuable resources for medical decision-making input. However, it is important to remember that pharmaceutical companies are in business to sell drugs and make a profit; and medical professionals are trained to treat effects and/or symptoms. Moreover, these professionals are not inspired to cure our maladies.
Be open to new paradigms and possibilities about health and wellness: Be curious and do your homework before making medical decisions. A recent experience has been with statin drugs. To lower genetic high cholesterol, I have been on a statin drug since 1984. A gym friend recently mentioned that he had been on a statin drug for several years. Because of bad side effects and not feeling well, he had opted to no longer take a statin drug. I am reading the books he recommended; and will be making a decision whether or not to remain on a statin drug. It was alarming to read, “Statins indiscriminately kill any cell including human cells.” (Yoseph & Yoseph, How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time.)
Listen to your body and be sensitive to how you feel: Use appropriate professionals and data as input to facilitate your medical decision making; however, the best decision maker is “you” based on how you feel.
Become a body-mind master: Have a health and wellness program that includes care for the physical body, the mind and emotions and the spirit. Some ideas: meditation practice to quiet a busy mind, provide stress reduction and offer peace of mind; an exercise program that includes cardiovascular exercises, stretching and weight training; consume nutrition that ensures optimum cellular health and wellness; and have good sleep habits. Golfer’s Palette: Preparing for Peak Performance, Chapter 3, Body-Mind Mastery, offers a more detailed discussion about the concept of total wellness and wellbeing.
Have energizing and meaningful relationships and conversations: Remember that small minds talk about people; average minds talk about events; and great minds talk about concepts and ideas.
Model the way as a person, in relationships and when helping others.
My message is quite simple: accept the 100% responsibility challenge and consciously manage the care and maintenance of your gift of life. Your cells will thrive on the commitment to wellness; your quality of life will improve; you will feel good; and you will have the root of happiness, peace-of-mind.
Bhaerman, S. & Lipton, B. (2009). Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (And a Way to Get There from Here). New York, NY: Hay House.
DeVore, J. (2015). Golfer’s Palette: Preparing for Peak Performance. Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris.
Lipton, B. (2008). The Biology of Belief. New York, NY: Hay House.
Yoseph, H. & Yoseph, J. (2012). How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time. jandhyoseph@yahoo.com.
Yoseph, H. & Yoseph, J. (2012). Poisoned: Recovery from Statin “Side Effects.” jandhyoseph@yahoo.com.

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