A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy and to ignore a political revolution that led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies” administration. The painful results:  foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy.
As the 2020 election nears, “We the people” have work to do to facilitate the election of leaders who inspire, rally, offer hope and energize folks to climb aboard the American train and actively participate in the evolution of a desired American global character, one step at a time. A nice place to start is to create an image, or vision, of a desired future state. Here are some ideas.
We have a clear, easily understood statement of the desired future state of America for Americans.
We have core values, codes of ethics and guiding principles manifesting morals that are life protecting and life enhancing; and that guide right or wrong behavior.
We have leaders with leadership that is an earned, trust based influence relationship between the respective leaders, other leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral changes that mirror common purpose.
We have leaders who transcend, include and unify differences and diverse strengths.
We recognize that people are the most valuable asset.
We put quality in all we are and all we do: we are the “best of the best.”
We are good leaders and followers, empowered to make a difference and committed to active participation in evolving America’s desired future state.
We are leaders in quality relationships and strengthen alliances around the world.
We build diverse coalitions and make “equal” equal.
We have cultures and working environments that are challenging, exciting and fun.
We build proactive, simple systems and processes that are affordable and can cope with the expected and unexpected.
We have institutions that are second to none.
We have a military and space force that are well-trained, pro-active and ready.
We have respected, proactive systems that control the flow of information, methods of communication and conduct within the nation.
We have political parties and political leaders who are our democracy’s gatekeepers and are committed to improve our democracy.
We know how to win a war of competing global visions that include cyber information; space; and under water.
We have an infrastructure that satisfies current and evolving needs.
We have an economy that is thriving for all.
We have flexible organizational structures that have qualified staff and that are dynamic and aligned to meet strategic objectives and respond to changing internal and external environments.

We are now in a position to develop policy strategies, followed by detailed planning of goals, objectives and action plans, that move us from current reality toward the vision. A few policy strategies might include election security, comprehensive immigration reform, healthcare for all, free education, foreign relations, environmental control, taxation, economy, tariffs, financial viability, media and judicial system and processes. Let’s move from a current reality of “cold pricklies” to a desired future state of “warm fuzzies” for all Americans.

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