In January 1973 the career path arrived at Coors Container Company, Golden, Colorado. This was the beginning of a 21-year journey that unfolded unlimited opportunities, challenges, travels, events, relationships, thrilling family transitions and the beginning of a 40 plus year self-awareness trek. One of the highlights that was introduced then, and is alive in the author today, was the genius of Bill Coors to be experienced in the Coors Wellness Process. Adolph Coors Company, “Our Values,” states, “These values can only be fulfilled by quality people dedicated to quality relationships within our company. We foster personal and professional growth and development…and encourage wellness in body, mind and spirit for all employees.”
The wellness concept is clear: the individual is 100% responsible for his-her lifestyle and habits. The individual manages his-her state of wellness—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual; looks for illness causes; and works with the medical profession as a partner in resolving illness. In Golf as Guru, Chapter One, The Player and Integral Life Practice, Birdy Ball would remark, “I own wellness of my body, mind, spirit and emotions; and my character, personality and golf are reflecting how well I am doing.”
Fun golf demands good wellness of mind, body, emotions and spirit. Chapter One, The Player and Integral Life Practice, introduces the golfer to Ken Wilber’s integral theory genius through Integral Life Practice, a practical, flexible guide for learning and practicing how to awaken and grow to one’s fullest capacities and perspectives in golf and life. As I remind my grandson, “Haley, dream big!” An interesting mantra: I am a perfectly healthy well-being—high state of wellness—who manages his-her wellness through mindfullness (harmony of conscious mind, subconscious mind and superconscious mind) and integral life practice. Hit’em high and straight and don’t miss three foot putts!!