Anger, impatience, frustration, resentment, fear, depressing times,

Mired, thinking-feeling loop, past repeating, future predicted. Simply sit.

Quantum mind, starry days, starry night times,

Somebody, something, someone, somewhere, in some time, simply sit.


Stress, sickness, pain, illness, disease, body is mind, unhealthy times,

Physical and mental environments alike. Simply sit.

Quantum mind, starry days, starry night times,

Somebody, some thing, someone, somewhere, in some time, simply sit.


Bridge, new future ahead, healing in process, heart-mind wedding times.

Wedded clear intention and elevated emotion, abs pumping, songs playing. Simply sit.

Quantum mind, starry days, starry night times,

No body, no one, nothing, nowhere, in no time, simply sit.


Common good, compassion, love, virtue, joy, gratitude, heart knows no times.

Pineal busy, brain orgasm, quantum universe, supernatural songs, wow! Simply sit.

Deep breathe, tighten abs, push. Quantum mind, starry days, starry night times.

Everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, every time, simply sit.

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